Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Communication Through Graphic Design Essay Example for Free
Communication Through Graphic Design Essay I’m going to college to earn a degree in Graphic Design. Graphic Design is the art or skill of combining text and pictures in advertisements, magazines, or books. My dream has always been to work for a large successful major business or company. I would love to live in the city and be able to drive down the high way or pick up a magazine and see my design in it for everyone to see. One of the biggest meanings of the word â€Å"design†is planning. To design is to come up with a plan for all elements of a project. I’ve always been really big on making plans. Like when I go to the mall I don’t like to just walk around aimlessly. I like to have a planned route of certain stores I’m going to go to, and in what order I’m going to go to them. I’ve never actually thought about the communication process when it comes to a career in Graphic Design. I always figured it was a career with little communication considering it’s all mostly done on the computer and independently. Depending on the job task, company, or person your doing a certain job for there has to be plenty on communication in order to get the project and design done. Which is a sender receiver type of communication. When going to create a design you must pay close attention to the person telling you what to design. So good communication skills are relevant to get a good job done and reach your bosses standards. Graphic Design is all about communicating images, ideas, and information visually. There are many different types of communication, Graphic Design is visual and non-verbal communication. For example, a billboard on the side of the road is still a form of communication even though there isn’t technically any talking going on. People drive by and still get the point and the message without any verbal communication. Some interesting history I never realized or thought about is that technically graphic design started back in the prehistoric period. With cavemen doing cave paintings and markings on boulders to relay a message to others. It’s interesting to think that people have been creating forms of non verbal communication through somewhat Graphic Design for quite some time now. Graphic Designs involves intrapersonal and interpersonal communication. This is because with this type of job comes lots of thinking, analyzing, listening, observing, questioning, and evaluating. Also I learned that there’s nonverbal physical means in Graphic Design such as; sign language, touch, eye contact, and body language by using design. It’s through communication that understanding, cooperation, and collaboration occur. Communication skills is way more important in Graphic Design than most would assume.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Essay --
1.6 Papildytos realybÄâ€"s mikroprogramÃ… ³ trÃ… «kumai ir kÃ… «rimo iÃ… ¡Ã… ¡Ã… «kiai Ã… iame poskyryje nagrinÄâ€"jami pagrindiniai papildytos realybÄâ€"s mikroprogramÃ… ³ kÃ… «rimo iÃ… ¡Ã… ¡Ã… «kiai, nuo kuriÃ… ³ priklauso ateityje sukuriamÃ… ³ mikroprogramÃ… ³ funkcionalumas ir pritaikymo Ä ¯vairiose pramonÄâ€"s srityse efektyvumas. 1.6.1 Techniniai papildytos realybÄâ€"s mikroprogramÃ… ³ kÃ… «rimo iÃ… ¡Ã… ¡Ã… «kiai Kiekvienoje sudÄâ€"tingoje sistemoje, tam kad ji nepriekaiÃ… ¡tingai veiktÃ… ³, reikalingas daugelio sudedamÃ… ³jÃ… ³ daliÃ… ³ tinkamumas ir suderinamumas. Papildytos realybÄâ€"s sistemos nesiskiria. Nors dauguma papildytos realybÄâ€"s kÃ… «rimo techniniÃ… ³ komponentÃ… ³ yra nuolat tobulinami, didÃ… ¾iausios Ã… ¡ios technologijos techninÄâ€"s problemos yra susijusios su objekto atpaÃ… ¾inimu, jutiklio tikslumu ir platformÃ… ³ suderinamumu. Objekto atpaÃ… ¾inimo problema (dar vadinama registracijos problema) yra vienas didÃ… ¾iausiÃ… ³ iÃ… ¡Ã… ¡Ã… «kiÃ… ³ papildytos realybÄâ€"s mikroprogramÃ… ³ kÃ… «rÄâ€"jams. SudÄâ€"tingas ir netobulas objektÃ… ³ atpaÃ… ¾inimo algoritmas smarkiai apriboja tokiÃ… ³ mikroprogramÃ… ³ veikimÄ…. Realaus ir virtualaus pasaulio objektai turi bÃ… «ti nepastebimai suderinti vienas kito atÃ… ¾vilgiu, nes kitu atveju dings iliuzija, kad virtualÃ… «s objektai gali egzistuoti tikrame pasaulyje. Tinkamai neiÃ… ¡sprendus Ã… ¡ios problemos, sukurta mikroprograma nebus vertinama ir naudojama. JutikliÃ… ³ tikslumo problema yra labai svarbus papildytos realybÄâ€"s mikroprogramÃ… ³ kÃ… «rÄâ€"jÃ… ³ iÃ… ¡Ã… ¡Ã… «kis. JutikliÃ… ³ tikslumu daugiausiai yra paremtos mobiliems Ä ¯renginiams sukurtos papildytos realybÄâ€"s sistemos. Ã… iuolaikiniai iÃ… ¡manieji telefonai ir planÃ… ¡etiniai kompiuteriai daugiausia naudoja stebÄâ€"jimo technologijas, tokias kaip skaitmeninÄâ€"s vaizdo kameros, akselerometrai, GPS, giroskopai, kietosios bÃ… «senos kompasai, RFID ir belaidÃ… ¾iai jutikliai. Tokios stebÄâ€"jimo technologijos siÃ… «lo skirtingo lygmens tiks... ... 2.7 Papildytos realybÄâ€"s vertÄâ€"jas Milijonai Ã… ¾moniÃ… ³ neiÃ… ¡drÄ ¯sta keliauti po savo svajoniÃ… ³ Ã… ¡alis ir miestus vien dÄâ€"l to, jog nemoka toje vietovÄâ€"je paplitusios kalbos, nesugeba susikalbÄâ€"ti su vietiniais ar perskaityti nuorodÃ… ³ ir perspÄâ€"jimÃ… ³. Keliaujantiems Ã… ¡i problema sukelia daug rÃ… «pesÄ iÃ… ³ ir nemaloniÃ… ³ patyrimÃ… ³, todÄâ€"l visais Ä ¯manomais bÃ… «dais bandoma jÄ… iÃ… ¡sprÄ™sti. Papildytos realybÄâ€"s tekstÃ… ³ vertÄâ€"jas yra puiki iÃ… ¡eitis. IÃ… ¡maniajame telefone ar planÃ… ¡etiniame kompiuteryje Ä ¯diegus specialiÄ… mikroprogramÄ… ir nukreipus Ä ¯renginÄ ¯ Ä ¯ nesuprantama kalba paraÃ… ¡ytÄ… tekstÄ…, ekrane realiu laiku ir realioje vietoje parodomas vertimas ta kalba, kuriÄ… vartotojas supranta ir pats pasirenka. GatviÃ… ³ Ã… ¾enklai, autobusÃ… ³ ir traukiniÃ… ³ tvarkaraÃ… ¡Ã„ iai, laikraÃ… ¡Ã„ iÃ… ³ antraÃ… ¡tÄâ€"s, restorano meniu ir vitrinÃ… ³ reklamos – visa tai galima iÃ… ¡versti vartotojui suprantama kalba ir nelaikant rankose popierinio Ã… ¾odyno.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Computer Virus Essay
The emergence of technological innovations such as the advent of computer and computer programs, also paved way for the birth of certain viruses that can disrupt software programs. These viruses infect a program and allow it to spread from one computer to the others (â€Å"Viruses†). As it transfers from one computer to another, it leaves complications or ailments that like human viruses, has varying degrees of severity. Some are merely designed to annoy the computer user while others can destroy the entire computer hardware (Beal). Viruses may be categorized as a worm, Trojan or just a virus. A worm is quite similar to a virus, but unlike a virus that needs human intervention in order for it to spread, worms can spread on its own. It has the capacity to replicate itself and travel from one hardware to another through the transport features of the computer’s system. Because of its replicating capacity it poses harm as it can slow down the computer the moment it becomes multitude (Beal). A Trojan on the other hand does not replicate as viruses and worms do. They appear at first as some legitimate program or file but the moment it is ran in the computer it can create various damage. Sometimes they are made to annoy while other can seriously destroy the computer by deleting files or programs. It can also create backdoors that can give other users access to the system that may give away personal or confidential information (Beal). Most of the time, these malicious programs spread with human intervention. When viruses cling onto a file and was run in the computer, it automatically spreads in the system of that computer.Trojans spread in the same way, while worms replicate itself in the system, to another system and to another. Works Cited Beal, Vangie. 2007. The Difference Between a Computer Virus, Worm and Trojan Horse. Webopedia. 11 November, 2008 . Brain, Marshall. n. d. How Computer Viruses Work. HowStuffWorks. 11 November 2008 . Viruses. n. d. Kasperskylab. 11 November 2008 .
Saturday, January 4, 2020
The Capitalist Economy Through A Critical Lens - 1266 Words
Throughout our Communication Studies, we have examined the capitalist economy through a critical lens and as a result, corporations always appear at the forefront of debate, blame, and power. From a neo-liberalist economic standpoint, the typical â€Å"prosumer†is encouraged to create consumer-generated content, but what happens when you put your creative labour to the test? York University consistently advocates, â€Å"this is your time†; in other words, students are responsible for their own success and are held liable for any failures or mishaps they may endure. While contemporary technologies have multiplied and democratized opportunities for musical creativity, intellectual property law has been used to repress our right to free speech, which is guaranteed under the first amendment (Demers 2006). Therefore, the industry’s effort at convincing people that file-sharing is equivalent to thievery have turned an increasing number of artists into intellectual pro perty activists. Kembrew McLeod, independent filmmaker and Associate Professor of Communication Studies at the University of Iowa, advocates for the revision of intellectual property law in regards to digital sampling in his article, Confessions of An Intellectual (Property): Danger Mouse, Mickey Mouse, Sonny Bono, and My Long Winding Path as Copyright Activist (McLeod 2014). The scope of McLeod’s research removes the technological determinant that precedes our culture. The author identifies the controversy surrounding theShow MoreRelatedMarxisms Tools for Contemporary International Relations Essay1619 Words  | 7 Pagesthe enduring ideological conflict between communism and capitalism was seen to come to an end. The global order has since entered into a neo-liberal capitalist era, with neo-liberal ideologies characterizing the various dimensions of the global order, such as international politics and economics. 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